One of my favourite Bible stories is in John 6:1 – 14, the feeding of the 5,000 or, to be more accurate when we include the women and children, the feeding of the 15 – 20,000. I love how Jesus took what the little boy had in his basket, which consisted of five loaves and two fish, and blessed it. The disciples distributed the miraculously multiplied baskets of food, and many were fed. This is fantastic. This is the body of Christ in action, team ministry at its best as everyone plays their part for the good of the community, loving their neighbour as themselves (Mark 12:31).

As head of giving for the Evangelical Alliance, I am convinced that I have one of the best, if not the best roles within the organisation as I get to witness people bringing their offerings to Jesus. I hear firsthand through our wonderful staff team how the financial generosity of our members impacts individual lives, strengthens the church, carries the evangelical voice into the corridors of power and makes Jesus known. In short, I see people give what they can so others can be spiritually fed.

However, these are difficult times, many people have been affected by the cost-of-living crisis and for some, their income doesn’t stretch as far as it previously did.

As our team travels around the UK, reports come back of member churches, organisations, charities and individuals thriving despite the cultural challenges of our day. This is a time of great trials and fantastic opportunities; this is a time for us to step up as a united body and as representatives of Christ.

As we hear about the many breakthroughs, the lives impacted, the mercy of Jesus prevailing and justice seizing the day, I believe this is a season of plentiful harvests and I am so grateful for our generous members who are willing to partner with us as we resource, encourage and equip UK evangelicals. If you are an Evangelical Alliance member, I want you to know that we are so thankful for you standing with us and making this possible.

Despite the many good news stories that I hear on almost a daily basis, of what the staff team are achieving in His name, my soul cries out for the many we are unable to reach through lack of provision and this is where, in my role as head of giving, I can step in and help.