Wendy Pawsey

Rev Wendy Pawsey

Wendy has a deep love for the UK church, a passion for unity and desire for God’s people to follow in His footsteps and live abundantly generous lives. Her previous roles in finance, current role as head of giving with the Evangelical Alliance, and voluntary position on a successful trust have provided, and continue to provide, ample opportunity to see the blessing, Kingdom growth and changed lives that generosity facilitates. As well as being a very proud mum to three children, Wendy is an ordained minister and co-leads a fantastic church in rural Buckinghamshire with her husband.

Spotlight: Wendy Pawsey

24 September 2024One of my favourite Bible stories is in John 6:1–14, the feeding of the 5,000 or, to be more accurate when we include the women and children, the feeding of the 15–20,000. I love how Jesus took what the little boy had in his basket, which consisted of five loaves and two fish, and blessed it. The disciples distributed the miraculously multiplied baskets of food, and many were fed. This is fantastic. This is the body of Christ in action, team ministry at its best as everyone plays their part for…


Leaving a legacy of hope

19 December 2022In fact, ever since 1846, the people of this alliance have been sowing gospel seeds, promoting religious freedom, and speaking up for the marginalised. They may not have seen all the fruits of their labour, but there is no doubt that their work has benefited generations. Without the boldness of the Victorian church leader John Angell James (one of the first people in Britain to suggest an evangelical alliance) and our other founding members, we may not even exist as a…