The Evangelical Alliance longs to see Christians across the United Kingdom reaching out and building relationships with their local members of parliament. The 2024 general election brought a change in government, new constituencies and many new MPs. This is an exciting moment of change and a key opportunity to forge new relationships and bring the evangelical perspective to your local representative.

MPs face considerable pressures daily and work tirelessly to support their local communities. While you may not support the party of your local MP or agree with their policies, they are humans who value encouragement and are keen to hear from different voices in their constituencies. We are good news people and we want to share the light of the gospel with those representing your areas in parliament. 

Our advocacy team have had many conversations with elected individuals about their interest in engaging with churches and Christians. We encourage you to seize this unique moment in the parliamentary cycle. 

Here are two ways you could get in touch with your MP in the coming weeks and get them through your church doors. 

1. Organise a group of local church leaders or a group from your congregation to meet on a Friday

  • MPs are back in their constituencies on Fridays and are available to meet local constituencies, businesses and churches.
  • It is a day when they often meet with constituents and your church community could be part of this.
  • It is an opportunity to start building that point of connection between local Christians and their elected representative. It gives you an opportunity to voice your concerns and encourage and pray for your MP.

2. Welcome your MP to a Sunday service

  • This will enable your MP to hear the gospel, perhaps for the first time.
  • It provides them with the opportunity to meet the wider church community.
  • You can pray for them as an individual and in their role from the front of the church.

Use this tool below to find your local MP and invite them to a setting that works well for you and your church community.

We encourage you to suggest a date between now and Christmas to make the most of this pivotal time. 

If you have any queries about this process, please get in touch with the advocacy team at advocacy@​eauk.​org.



Representing over 23,000 evangelical Christians and thousands of churches in our parliamentary democracy and in the media Find out more
Connect resource: UK

Connect resource: UK

Equipping evangelicals to connect with local representatives in parliament, to confidentially share from their work outreach ministries or support services through the church Find out more