Nicola Morrison

Nicola Morrison

Before joining the Evangelical Alliance in 2022, Nicola had a broadcasting career that spanned over a decade at the BBC. Nicola is also the author of Victory Is My Name, a faith-based autobiography. As well as writing, Nicola is passionate about mentoring, outreach ministry and serving the underserved and volunteers as a befriender twice a week. She has also completed Level 1 in Christian British Sign Language.

10 minutes with... Lynne Paterson

6 September 2024Lynne, tell us a little about yourself and your background. Home for me is Glasgow, although I have lived and worked in cities across the UK. I first made a commitment to follow Jesus through a Scripture Union group run in my school. I was 13 at the time, and have been trying, by God’s grace, to faithfully walk out that commitment ever since. Having moved quite a lot in life; I’ve been a Presbyterian, Anglican, Baptist and Pentecostal! I’m now a member of Hope Church, which is independent. That…


Mission Possible: Evangelism in persecuted lands and how the UK church can be bolder

28 August 2024The time I spent with Asrin, was brief but powerful, (I have agreed not to use her full name or her photo to protect her identity). Speaking to her for a little over an hour, I was continually blown away by her many stories of amazing encounters and life-changing God-moments throughout both her personal faith journey but also in her ministry as an evangelist. She starts by telling me how she came to faith around the age of 20. She was living in Iran at the time as a practising Muslim, and she…


Mission Possible: An interview with Preston Perry

24 July 2024Preston Perry was raised on the south side of Chicago, amidst a culture of crime and an environment far from God, before finding Jesus as a young adult. Now an impassioned evangelist and apologist, he lives in Atlanta with his wife Jackie and their four children. He can be often found on social media documenting his conversations with people from all walks of life in all different contexts; Muslim cab drivers, Mormons in the shopping mall, Jehovah's Witnesses in his community and those of…


Befriending: lending an ear

1 April 2024During the pandemic, I, like most of us, was moved by the many stories in the daily news cycle of the elderly and the elderly disabled, being isolated and lonely, as government restrictions were imposed across the UK. As a result, many became housebound or were stuck in care homes without visitors or someone to talk to for weeks and months on end. It was at this time that I felt I wanted to do something. I knew that in order to adhere to Covid guidelines to stem the spread, doing any type of…


Celebrating a membership legacy

21 December 2023Residing in the leafy suburbs of Surrey, I met Gill and Ken on a sunny autumn morning for breakfast at their home. For a city dweller the gardens could feel intimidatingly impressive, but the couple who greeted me at the door were friendly, inviting, and down to earth. Showing no signs of slowing down and taking things easy was clear from the outset, as they explained that they had already been to the gym and the swimming pool before my arrival. They then went on to tell me how they have always…


Be a catalyst for change

3 October 2023Coming as a young boy from Antigua to the UK at the tender age of six, how did that impact you and how did you adapt to the change? Navigating change from such a young age, experiencing cultural shifts, change in climate and experiencing racism were all things I had to contend with. But change is good. Change makes you more agile in the body of Christ. You founded Street Pastors 20 years ago, what was the vision behind it, and wanting to do evangelism in a different way? The vision was…



28 June 2023When Marion and her husband were blessed with a gift in her dad’s will, she knew she wanted to do something amazing with it. And when the war in Ukraine broke out, it seemed like a “no brainer” to use it to provide hospitality to those coming to the UK as refugees. Brought up in a Christian family in High Wycombe, Marion was one of three daughters. As she got older, she grew a deeper understanding of what her faith meant to her personally. When her dad passed away, she and her sisters inherited…


10 minutes with... Phil Knox

3 April 2023Tell us a little bit about yourself I’m an enthusiast – which I found out recently means ‘God inspired’, which I love. I love my family – I’m married to Dani and we have two boys, Caleb and Jos. I’m happiest when sat around the firepit, surrounded by friends, family and laughter, drinking something tasty. But most of all I’m enthusiastic about Jesus. What moves me to the core is lives changed by Jesus, so I live to see as much of that as possible. How did you find your faith? I grew up in a…


Tim Rowlands joins the Evangelical Alliance as head of Wales

3 April 2023Tim, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? I’m married to Emily, and we have four children between the ages of 17 and 22. I was born and raised in North Wales and am excited by the opportunity to relocate back to Wales for this new role, having lived in Chester for four years. I studied music in Bangor University, which is where I met Emily. Music is definitely one of our shared interests – Emily’s a great violinist, and I can still just about remember where middle ‘C’ is on the…


"My grace is sufficient for you"

31 March 2023After an hour-long conversation, where we laughed, shared and brought each other close to tears, he left me with an experience that genuinely humbled me and a story that truly took my breath away. But let’s start at the beginning. Pastor Paul was brought up in a Christian family, in a little village in North Wales. His mum and dad were both Christian and at 13 he attended an open-air mission. “It would be an experience that would forever change my life,” he recalls. During the event, a…


Heart Behind The Art: an interview with Lou Fellingham

19 December 2022Lou is a wife and mother of three, she lives in Brighton and attends Emmanuel Church where she serves on the worship team. A self-confessed hugger and lover of people, Lou desires to share Jesus with others. Her husband Nathan is the other half of the formidable pair; former drummer of PHATFISH, he is an accomplished musician in his own right and also produces. Lou and Nathan recorded several albums during the various lockdowns as well as hosting a wide array of events online, once concerts…