Danny Webster

Danny Webster

Danny joined the Evangelical Alliance in 2008 and has held a range of roles in the advocacy team. He currently leads the advocacy team's work across the UK including public policy work an engagement with the parliaments and assemblies, and respective governments. Before working for the Evangelical Alliance, Danny, who has degrees in politics and political philosophy, worked in parliament for an MP. Danny is passionate about encouraging Christians to integrate their faith with all areas of their life, especially when it comes to helping them take on leadership outside the church, and helped initiate the Evangelical Alliance's Public Leadership programme. He frequently provides comment on current political issues, both in Evangelical Alliance publications and to the press.

Betting machines curbed in crucial victory for campaigners

17 May 2018This is a significant victory that will help protect people from developing gambling problems, and reduce the impact of gambling losses on vulnerable people. The Evangelical Alliance has long campaigned on this issue, repeatedly calling for the Government to take action, and has today joined with other faith groups to welcome the announcement. Together with the Salvation Army, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, the Church of Scotland, the Baptist Union of Great Britain, CARE,…


5 reasons why Above and Beyond is an essential day for your church

2 January 2018Join us for Above and Beyond, a day conference helping you to run your church or charity excellently by complying with the law and regulations. Here we explain why it's a day you and your church shouldn't miss. 1. Virtually all churches are charities, so understanding what that means and requires is essential. There will be a seminar on charitable governance and another on your relationship with the Charity Commission to ensure that you are best placed if there are ever any concerns or…


Giving to public life

1 November 2017Sometimes you can try too hard to crowbar an article into a theme, or force it to fit a topic, and I thought that might be the case on this occasion. How can I talk about politics and public life in a magazine focused around giving and generosity? Not exactly an obvious fit. But perhaps the fact that we see giving and generosity as far away from politics is our problem, not a problem with politics. So instead of analysing the presence of generosity within politics I want to set a challenge:…


Sola fides iustificat – Only trust makes things right

1 September 2017In each of the last three years, in the early hours of a Friday morning, I have found myself watching the TV as the result of an election becomes apparent. As an Alliance, we work hard to be impartial between political parties, and likewise in the EU referendum we did not back one side. But following the vote, my mind turns to what the response of evangelical Christians might be to this collective decision that the country has taken. While we recognise that some may be elated and others…


A vision of hope for the future of our society

1 July 2017Whether this was campaigning against the transatlantic slave trade, improving working conditions or renewing civil society, evangelicals are, and always will be, activists. The good news of salvation in Jesus is at the heart of our message and motivation, and as John Stott observed, the gospel has an antiseptic effect on society: “A country which has been permeated by the gospel is not a soil in which … poisonous weeds can easily take root, let alone luxuriate.” It not only saves. It heals and…


The truth about fake news

1 July 2017Over the past couple of years two trends have developed that have challenged our relationship with truth, and truthiness is the corrosive bond that links them. Post-truth is the idea that evidence about a situation takes second place to our feelings. For example we might think that leaving the EU will mean the UK is at greater risk of terrorist attack, and feel that way regardless of the evidence about national security. Or we might think that leaving the EU will give us greater control over…


Prime Minister welcomes Speak Up resource

30 November 2016In Prime Minister's Questions Fiona Bruce MP asked if Theresa May would welcome the new resource. Asking the question, the MP said: "Would the Prime Minister join me in welcoming the recent Lawyers' Christian Fellowship publication Speak Up, which confirms that in our country today the legal rights of freedom of religion and freedom of speech, to speak about one's faith – responsibly, respectfully and without fear – are as strong today as ever." In her reply, Theresa May stressed the importance…