Alicia Edmund

Alicia Edmund

Alicia joined the Evangelical Alliance as head of public policy in August 2021. Since then, she has worked on a range of issues from asylum resettlement, refugee integration, poverty relief and religious freedom in the UK and overseas. Alicia leads the advocacy team’s parliament and Whitehall engagement and is focusing all legislative engagement this year on three core themes: identity, freedom and justice.

Scotland’s abortion law review is well underway

20 September 2024Reacting to the US Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v Wade, resulting in making abortion laws a responsibility of individual states, former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon made a commitment to review abortion in Scotland. One outworking of this commitment was to introduce protection zones around abortion clinics and a nine-month review. From Tuesday, 24 September, the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Act 2024 comes into effect, where to “influence the decision, prevent or…


What does a Labour government mean for UK evangelicals?

9 July 2024“This election is about change”, is the opening sentence in Labour’s 136-page manifesto and serves as a perfect summary of what’s to come when parliament resumes following the state opening of parliament and the King’s speech on Wednesday, 17 July. By early morning on the Friday, 5 July, the polls confirmed the end of a 14-year Conservative-led government and ushered in a Labour government with a 172-seat majority. By early late afternoon, the nation had a new prime minister, new cabinet and a…


Three guiding principles for Christian women ahead of polling day

10 June 2024It is important to start with a reminder to make sure you are registered to vote on 4 July and to check you have the approved photo ID to take with you on the day. You have until Tuesday, 18 June (23:59) to register to vote and Wednesday, 26 June (17:00) to apply for a ‘Voter Authority Certificate from your local Electoral Registration Office. It’s free. I foresee that women across the UK and across different demographic groups will play a significant role in determining who the next prime…


Why voting is a start but can’t be where our political engagement ends

22 May 2024Political commentators for months have been speculating when the next general election will be. Now that we know it will be Thursday 4 July, it is important that Christians view their civic engagement as highly as their devotion and love to the Lord and love to their neighbour. Jesus has always encouraged His church and disciples to be an integral part of communities, bringing hope, serving those most in need and proclaiming the kingdom of God is at hand, for all who repent and turn to Christ.


Christian politicians share how faith impacts their work

20 March 2024"Christians should take a lead in not taking a cynical view of politics, but be more politically informed of all the decisions in the round" – David Burrowes As onlookers to the Punch and Judy of Wednesday’s prime minister’s questions or the endless news cycles of another political failure at the highest level of government, it can be difficult to believe politics can be a force for good for the nation. Last night, we had the opportunity to get up-close and personal with three Christian…


Parliament to vote on abortion being allowed up until birth

18 March 2024Firstly, I want to begin by thanking our members and supporters who took part in our last call to action and got in touch with your local MP and raised concerns on proposed amendments to decriminalise abortion. The responses we have received from parliamentarians so far show they are engaging with the concerns raised around health implications of at home abortions and the impact decriminalisation could have on the legal safeguards protecting woman and their unborn children. We now urge you to…


Let your MP know attempts to decriminalise abortion puts women and unborn children at greater risk

23 January 2024The advocacy team here at the Evangelical Alliance, have briefed parliamentarians ahead of the vote, stating the importance of the law in protecting the pregnant woman and the unborn child. We have also set out alternative pro-life affirming policies and practices in maternity units that could better support women and families during and following pregnancy. We anticipate MPs will debate the revised Bill and vote on these two amendments in early February and we would encourage members to write…


Changes to abortion and criminal law put women and unborn children at risk

18 December 2023On 28 November 2023, the Criminal Justice Bill received its second reading in the Commons. This is the government’s flagship legislation to introduce tougher sentences for those who commit sexual and violent offences and increase police powers to tackle anti-social behaviour in the community, drug offences and knife violence on the streets. So, the question is, why does a bill focused on law and order haves two amendments to decriminalise abortion? The short answer is Stella Creasy and Diana…


Briefing: Martyn’s Law and how it could impact church services and events

20 November 2023We recognise the importance of any government to be attentive to national security concerns and seek to protect the public from any terrorist incidents whilst balancing its responsibility to promote individual freedoms, the cornerstone of any healthy liberal democracy. The Terrorism Protection Premise Bill, also known as Martyn’s Law, is proving to be a difficult piece of legislation for the government in balancing these two responsibilities.


The King’s Speech: 21 new bills but no mention of conversion therapy

7 November 2023“My ministers’ focus is on increasing economic growth and safeguarding the health and security of the British people for generations to come”, said King Charles III. Put another way, the King’s Speech was all centred around an upcoming general election next year. The accompanying briefing note published minutes after the speech outlined the 21 bills in full and structured them under three headings: Growing the economyStrengthening societyKeeping people safe The proposed bills include Holocaust…


Spotlight: our advocacy team

3 October 2023The purpose of our advocacy work is not to reinstall a Christian nation-state, but it is to defend the freedom to share the gospel and to ensure evangelicals are free from discrimination or harassment in public life. Meet the team The London team consists of Danny Webster, director of advocacy, myself, Nicola Martin, public policy officer (Westminster), and Damilola, advocacy engagement lead. Leading our public policy and church engagement work in Scotland and Wales we have Chris Ringland and…